Voucher FAQs

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How do I add a voucher?

To pay with a voucher you will first need to add your unique voucher code into the Evie App. Just visit the Voucher page in the Profile section.

For a step by step guide Read Here


How do I pay with a voucher?

Your voucher will be automatically applied to your next payment when you have toggled on "Use this voucher when charging". You will find this setting from the Voucher page in the Profile section.

For a step by step guide Read Here


Can I use more than one voucher?

You can add as many vouchers as you'd like into the Evie App, however, only one voucher at a time can be used for charging payments. Switching between vouchers is easy! Just visit the Voucher page in the Profile section. Here you can see your vouchers remaining value and its expiry date.

Toggle on "Use this voucher when charging" and your chosen voucher will be automatically applied to your next payment.

Voucher Balance.png

You can also pause or swap between vouchers from the Start Charge page by tapping on the Voucher icon.

Pay with Voucher.png

From here you can turn off your current voucher so it wont be used to charge or swap to another voucher if you have more than one. Note: Only one voucher can be used per charge.

Evie Voucher Off.png


What happens when my voucher expires?

When you have used all the remaining credit on your voucher, or the voucher has reached its expiry date (whichever comes first) your voucher will no longer be available for use.

Check your balance or expiry date any time from the Voucher Detail page in the Profile section of the Evie App.

Why is my voucher code not working?

The voucher code is case sensitive and must match exactly when you enter it into the app. It is also easy to confuse the number 0 with the letter O so be sure and double check.

If you're unsure copy the code from your email or text and paste it into the Voucher Code field.

Please also ensure that your voucher has not expired before you try and enter it into the app.

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